Man charged with drugs related offences in South Belfast

It follows a search in the King Street area

Author: Chloe GibsonPublished 9th Jul 2023
Last updated 9th Jul 2023

A 27-year-old man has been charged with several offences police found drugs with an estimated street value of £60,000 in Belfast last night.

The discovery happened after the PSNI responded to reports of two men who were attempting to force their way into a flat in the King Street area of the city in the early hours of Friday morning.

Police arrested one of the men and and after a search of his home found large quantities of suspected herbal cannabis.

The man has now been charged with several offences including possession of a Class A controlled drug, possession of a Class B controlled drug, possession of a Class B controlled drug with intent to supply and possession of criminal property.

He is due before Belfast Magistrates’ Court at 10am on Monday.